With the start of 2016 comes great anticipation. We look forward to meeting new students and introducing people to Kung Fu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. We look forward to seeing what sort of personal growth our students can achieve this year. Perhaps most of all, we look forward to competing in this year’s Grappler’s Heart Tournament.
Like last year, Grappler’s Heart will once again be offering people with disabilities the unique opportunity to compete in Jiu Jitsu against other people with disabilities. This year, it will take place in Tustin, CA. Having this amazing opportunity right in our own backyard is something too good to let pass us by. So, UPMA intends on bringing several students to compete for the very first time. We are currently working to create a division for people with intellectual disabilities and hope that there will be some students from other academies that are just as eager to compete as we are.
Stay tuned as we get closer to the April 30th tournament date we will update you with profiles of our fighters! For more information on the Grappler’s Heart Tournament, go to  http://grapplersheart.com/